About Us

Our History


Implement Sustainable and energy efficient solutions and construction services in a responsible and efficient manner, while always ensuring safety and quality according to local and international standards, with the goal of bringing peace of mind and atisfaction for clients. Green Age focuses not only on environmental sustainability, but also financial sustainability to the improvement of production and business efficiency and ensures comfort, wellbeing, and safety for the end-users.


To become pioneers i n Sustainable construction services in the Sub-Saharan region. Providing sustainable, environmentally friendly and energy efficient solutions that will meet client requirements.

Core Values


Constantly preparing and proactively seeking the best energy efficient solutions and training our staff effectively and accordingly. Continuous improvement in manpower and procurement processed reducing lead time and eliminating redundancies.


We communicate effectively on our timelines and uses only the most genuine parts and equipments to void unnecessary variation to our clients. We constantly train our staffs on ethical behaviour, and have zero tolerance to bad behaviour.

Commitment To Customers

Optimum focus on retention and satisfaction, committed to fulfilling our promises and helping clients and partners achieve their goals.

The Global Situation

With the rising global temperature and resulting climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gasses, it is imperative to tackle the situation by changing our approach energy and resources utilisation. The construction industry accounts for almost 40% of the Green House Gas emissions1. Introducing energy efficient systems and environmentally friendly construction methodologies will go a long way in reversing the harm caused on the planet. .

Our Approach

AT GREEN AGE; We are focused on Sustainable Value Engineering where we work closely with our clients and stakeholders to provide the most efficient and financially /environmentally sustainable solutions. We provide energy efficient solutions in addition to adopting circular Engineering concepts that promotes reduce, reuse, remake, repair and recycle. We are also incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Our actions affect directly or indirectly most of these goals, especially:

GOAL NUMBER 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy, where we encourage our clients to invest renewable energy sources such as solar power.

GOAL NUMBER 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure l, where we always use the most cost and energy efficient systems, while encouraging recycling, reusing and repairing of infrastructure to avoid unnecessary depletion of natural resources.

GOAL NUMBER 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production; we encourage our staff and contractors to help reduce their carbon footprint however little by introducing simple measures such as, carpooling, efficient use of energy and use of renewable energy sources where ever possible, all this is to encourage Responsible Consumption.

These are a few steps we included in our approach which are guided by the SDG’s.

Quality Management

AT GREEN AGE, quality is never compromised, that is why our core work force is highly trained and well-motivated. We continually update the core skills of our staff and encourage them to pick up hobbies that will develop their professional careers.

GREEN AGE has a stringent system to check and balance the quality of our designs and installations, below is a chart that illustrates our quality management scheme.

Cost Control

Building Services consume a considerable chunk of total building cost (between 15% and 50% depending on desired comfort level). This makes it clear that effective cost management will save our client’s money.

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